Saturday 26 September 2015


Life is a story that everyone will have their own story. As everyone has memories of salty and bitter memories. For me , for the 18 years of my life , I have a story in itself. Sweet and bitter memories that I went through a lot to teach myself to understand about this life.


Salty memories are good memories for everyone who came here , who wants these things over and over again , but the matter will not be able to taste everything we wanted. I have fond memories , I became aunt at the age I was young , on my 5 years old. My sister gave birth to a first child , named Shahirah. In addition ,  the two memories I have of my team JPAM club (Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia) won the school level , these memories are not as champions but because cooperation with each other to create a more memorable memories in my mind. Memories so salty , Eid is celebrated in 2014 ago with my friends at school are very meaningful to me because it's the last time we before we proceed with a new life outside after SPM.


Bitter memories of each of us have to go through painful memories in their lives that sometimes we are not strong times to face it. Bitter memories that i have experienced , I lost my best friend who had moved to their own Ipoh to continue studying there , I could not move my spirit since he was too good a friend to me , he's always with me when I'm sad he's always for advice. I was able to pray that we will see you again in the future. It is always painful memories that I have experienced , I lost my grandmother who is very dear , I was very close to my grandmother because I always tell about my problem on my grandmother fired the people we love most hurt and sad.

Without memories we do not understand as we go through life , because life is a story that tells of our wonderful life. Bitter or sweet , we have gone through.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


Almost all people use technology in  their daily life such as mobile phone , computer and game console. It is not good for the humanity. That all introduction about technology.

In my opinion , technology does kill humanity nowadays which effect to all kinds of age from 5 years old until 60 years old. It make people became lazy to do their work.

For example , mobile phone, each people in the world use mobile phone in daily life. They will use it everyday for work , social and play games. It can make people became lazy to do their work because they too obsessed with mobile phone.

In conclusion the mobile phone is not too good for us cause technology could kill humanity. My advice is don't too obsessed with that technolgy in our life.

Tuesday 8 September 2015


Malaysia one of the harmonies world, has enjoyed growth over the last few decades, with industrialization, agriculture and tourism. But today, Malaysia faces problem of deforestation , pollution , global warming and loss of biodiversity.

Deforestation , oil palm plantation are a prevalent feature of the Malaysian landscape, as this industry has become a major contributor to the country's export earnings.

There are many types of pollution such as pollution of air , water , oil and others. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number of pollutants. While water pollution is caused by acid rain. Air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and combustion of fossil fuels.

air pollution
water pollution

Climate change like global warning. Global warming leads to rise temperature of the earth's surface. Human huminity is leading to the extinction of species and habits and loss of bio-diversity. Balance of process like pollination is crucial to the survival of the eco-system and human activity threatens the same.

Tuesday 1 September 2015


I will tell you about homeschooling this time. What is homeschooling ?

Homeschooling defined which the parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to public or private school. Most of the children would be able to learn better at home that at school.  In school the teacher will teach too fast or too slow to different students. Some of students would be able understand when teachers teach too fast and some of student can't understand, It would be difficult to students who can't understand when teachers too fast.

So, the parents rather educate their children at home because more comfortable, be more in touch with nature and the outside world and even include many of these things in their study.

The environment also different when at school and home. Environment at school which noise from other students will disturb other people to study. While at home the children can study with calm without any noise by other people.