Wednesday 7 October 2015


Today ,  school and lesson important in our routine life. In this world , Malaysia , the concept of school is based on assessment. Since in the primary school , it has exams and test during lesson to test students. Its good because teachers can know the level of their student.

Result of assessment can help teachers evaluate teaching skills and activities undertaken in the process of teaching and learning.

Lastly, school based assessment executed by the teacher will be able to help student with difficulties. Difficulties are identified at an early stage. School based assessment can help teachers and parents in help to monitor their child in school lesson.

Monday 5 October 2015


Genetic engineering (GE) is the modification of an organism’s genetic composition by artificial means, often involving the transfer of specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a plant or animal of an entirely different species. When gene transfer occurs, the resulting organism is called GMO (genetically modified organism).

Genetic engineering is different from traditional cross breeding, where genes can only be exchanged between closely related species. With genetic engineering, genes from completely different species can be inserted into one another.

Example of tomatoes in genetic engineering process.

Genetic engineering has lot of benefit.For example, the use of herbicide-resistant GE crops has saved farmers time formerly devoted to mechanical cultivation and spot spraying, but has also driven the consolidation of monoculture farming at larger scale. Monoculture by definition reduces biodiversity, making farmers dependent on chemical inputs rather than natural processes to manage pests and the soil nutrient cycle.

Although there are many benefits of genetically engineered crops, there are also some major issues and concerns associated with these types of crops. One major concern is that as pests experience constant exposure to the pesticide or herbicide that is genetically inserted into the crops, they will develop genetic resistance to the chemical. If the pests develop genetic resistance, eventually the genetically modified crops would no longer be successful at preventing harm and would become obsolete.

Another major concern about genetic engineering is the long-term effects on human health and the environment. There is little known about the long-term effects of genetically engineered crops, and this makes many people cautious about their use.


Malaysia has a national treasure such as Mutiara Taman Negara located at Pahang. It is a rainforest , offering Tembeling river and it like option jungle tracking , canopy walk , mountain climbing and carving. In Taman Negara,we can visits the 'Orang Asli' or local natives. At the same time we can get and feel their local life and environment at the forest. Pulau Langkawi is a second places in Malaysia that have a lot of national treasure such as Makam Mahsuri because it has many history existing about Langkawi. Almost all over Langkawi has a beautiful beach and nice of sunset view. Another places at Langkawi we can a treasure is Pulau Bunting , Gunung Mat Chincang , Beras Terbakar there had a lot of history. Furthermore , Langkawi is the best place for free tax, so we can shop at cheaper price.



Malaysia is the only one country that have different races and different cultures , but Malaysians happy in one country although different races and cultures. You should know , Malaysian's food is too many and all of the food is delicious. Every races have their own traditional food. Not only food , culture's clothes is also have in Malaysia. For the Malay people they have Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung , for the Chineese they have Cheongsam and for the Indian , Sari and Datly for the traditional clothes. Malaysia is place that have many tropica flora and fauna. Theres so many place that has beautiful scenary and only one country that placed on the Khatulistiwa. Malaysia is so special to me.


Early childhood education start with their parents is the first person that they knows. If parents send their children to kindergarten parents should know where is the best kindergarten that they should send the children. Besides that , kindergarten teacher must show them the best attitude to the children. The children also can take care the people humanity when they getting older. In conclusion , early chilhood education must be accomplish to the every children so that the children can know the best to treat their self to be a good person to all people.


Biligual education is an english language school system english students with the little fluency in english are taught in both their native language it was has been practice in many form country for thousand years. It use two or more language such as English and Malay subject. As a teacher in a multilingual school have the ability to reach out to school of different cultures.

The advantages in bilingual education is the young children who become bilingual develop stronger communication skills in their native language learn new language at a faster race. Second advantages of bilingual , adults are more empoyable and enjoy a greater variety of carreer opportunities. While the disadvantages for bilingual education is to learn bilingual education is quiet costly and the students not understanding of the language they are being taught and waste their money.

Saturday 26 September 2015


Life is a story that everyone will have their own story. As everyone has memories of salty and bitter memories. For me , for the 18 years of my life , I have a story in itself. Sweet and bitter memories that I went through a lot to teach myself to understand about this life.


Salty memories are good memories for everyone who came here , who wants these things over and over again , but the matter will not be able to taste everything we wanted. I have fond memories , I became aunt at the age I was young , on my 5 years old. My sister gave birth to a first child , named Shahirah. In addition ,  the two memories I have of my team JPAM club (Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia) won the school level , these memories are not as champions but because cooperation with each other to create a more memorable memories in my mind. Memories so salty , Eid is celebrated in 2014 ago with my friends at school are very meaningful to me because it's the last time we before we proceed with a new life outside after SPM.


Bitter memories of each of us have to go through painful memories in their lives that sometimes we are not strong times to face it. Bitter memories that i have experienced , I lost my best friend who had moved to their own Ipoh to continue studying there , I could not move my spirit since he was too good a friend to me , he's always with me when I'm sad he's always for advice. I was able to pray that we will see you again in the future. It is always painful memories that I have experienced , I lost my grandmother who is very dear , I was very close to my grandmother because I always tell about my problem on my grandmother fired the people we love most hurt and sad.

Without memories we do not understand as we go through life , because life is a story that tells of our wonderful life. Bitter or sweet , we have gone through.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


Almost all people use technology in  their daily life such as mobile phone , computer and game console. It is not good for the humanity. That all introduction about technology.

In my opinion , technology does kill humanity nowadays which effect to all kinds of age from 5 years old until 60 years old. It make people became lazy to do their work.

For example , mobile phone, each people in the world use mobile phone in daily life. They will use it everyday for work , social and play games. It can make people became lazy to do their work because they too obsessed with mobile phone.

In conclusion the mobile phone is not too good for us cause technology could kill humanity. My advice is don't too obsessed with that technolgy in our life.

Tuesday 8 September 2015


Malaysia one of the harmonies world, has enjoyed growth over the last few decades, with industrialization, agriculture and tourism. But today, Malaysia faces problem of deforestation , pollution , global warming and loss of biodiversity.

Deforestation , oil palm plantation are a prevalent feature of the Malaysian landscape, as this industry has become a major contributor to the country's export earnings.

There are many types of pollution such as pollution of air , water , oil and others. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number of pollutants. While water pollution is caused by acid rain. Air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and combustion of fossil fuels.

air pollution
water pollution

Climate change like global warning. Global warming leads to rise temperature of the earth's surface. Human huminity is leading to the extinction of species and habits and loss of bio-diversity. Balance of process like pollination is crucial to the survival of the eco-system and human activity threatens the same.

Tuesday 1 September 2015


I will tell you about homeschooling this time. What is homeschooling ?

Homeschooling defined which the parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to public or private school. Most of the children would be able to learn better at home that at school.  In school the teacher will teach too fast or too slow to different students. Some of students would be able understand when teachers teach too fast and some of student can't understand, It would be difficult to students who can't understand when teachers too fast.

So, the parents rather educate their children at home because more comfortable, be more in touch with nature and the outside world and even include many of these things in their study.

The environment also different when at school and home. Environment at school which noise from other students will disturb other people to study. While at home the children can study with calm without any noise by other people.

Monday 10 August 2015


         The most succesful leader would be the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dato' Sri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.He was born on 10 july 1925 at his parents' home in a poor neighbourhood of Alor Setar, the capital of the state of Kedah, British Malaya, on 10 July 1925.During Mahathir's tenure as Prime Minister, Malaysia experienced a period of rapid modernisation and economic growth.

As a prime minister,he did a lot of thing to develop Malaysia such as found the Proton Holdings Berhas.Proton Holdings Berhad (stylised Proton) is a first Malaysian automobile manufacturer.Proton increased the economic growth of Malaysia and provide lot of jobs to Malaysian.Mahathir also regarded as having been a successful Minister for Trade and Industry.In the latter post,he implemented a "heavy industries policy", establishing a HICOM, a government-controlled corporation,to invest in the long-term development industry. He spent much of his time in the ministry promoting Malaysia through overseas visits.Nowadays,at his retirement age as Prime Minister.He still become the chairman of Proton. 

Saturday 25 July 2015


This time we going to tell you about Malaysian Traditional Dance. There are three main ethnic groups in Malaysia which are Malay , Chinese ,and India. We can find out that each ethnic group have their own traditional dance. Let me share something about these three main ethnic group's dance.


Malay dance has two type which is "original" Malay dance and "adopted" Malay dance.Four basic genres of Malay dance are Asli , Inang , Joget and Zapin.

Asli and Inang dances are categorized as the "original" Malay dances.

Joget and Zapin are categorized as "adopted" Malay dances.




Folk dances are important in the development of dance. Some of the earliest dances in court rituals and ceremonies may have evolved from folk dances.

Folk dance
The lions dance is a form of traditional dance performed on joyous festivals such as the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year).It is a dance which imitates a lion's various movements and actions, performed in a lion costume, accompanied by the music of beating drums and gong instruments.

Lion dance

In Malaysia, there are two types of Indian dance that is popular which is Odissi and Bharathanatyam



Friday 24 July 2015


There are lots of cars in malaysia.Those cars are malaysian and foreign cars.All Malaysian know that our local car manufacturers are Proton Holding Berhad and Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sendirian Berhad(Perodua).Both of these car manufacturers target customers are malaysian itself.So basically these car manufacturers always made their to be affordable by most Malaysian.Our local cars commonly are equipped with standart specifitions that enough for Malaysian daily routes.This is proved by our most powerful Malaysian car”Proton Inspira” that give you 170 horse-power with it 2.0 Liter DOHC engine.

In Malaysia,there are also lots of foreign cars.These foreign cars are imported to give Malaysian more choices when buying cars.Most foreign car are more expensive than our local cars eventhough they are in the same segment and same specifications due to our goverment tax policies.But foreign cars give Malaysian more cars to choose from low end cars to more expensive premium cars.

In conclusion,Malaysian car gives more value for money for Malaysian itself.Foreign cars offer Malaysian more choices and more premium cars with better specifications with more money. Both Malaysian and Foreign have it is own advantages and disadvantages.

Wednesday 22 July 2015


There are many traditional food in Malaysia. In Malaysia have 3 types of traditional foods which is Traditional Malay Food , Traditional Chinese Food and Traditional Indian Food.I will tell you about our traditional food.


Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak is a favourite food for Malaysian people especially breakfast time.Some people like spicy Nasi lemak and some people don not like it.Once you try it, you will know how much delicious Nasi Lemak.


Lemang a kind of traditional food liked people and there are many time Raya Aidilfitri.Lemang and lemang is also served with 'rendang' and 'serunding'


This is otak-otak, that food is also traditional food.
It was other enterred by order race in Malaysian.Otak-otak made bt fish fleet and wrapped by nipah leave then burned it on the stove.


Nasi Ayam

The Chinese people dont eatrice as their daily meals but cooking cangee eaten with relish dishes and vegetables.They are also and fond of eating seafoods and dessert.Nasi Ayam is also a traditional Chinese food, which is now in Malaysian.



Traditional food is Muruku Indians of Malaysian in his recipe came from South India, also a favourite og Muruku  Malaysian society, as is Muruku snacks tasty liked many ages.

Not only that. there are other traditional foods on the Indians which is Roti Canai.Roti Canai is also not lacking became well liked menus in Malaysian society is not Malay , Chinese and Indian.Make Malaysian can feel every traditional food from every race in Malaysian